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Love to love her boyfriend

Love then asked her boyfriend to recap what gender? Ironically was not the case Bisexual (Duality) ...

That "startling" from movies
GLBT community has long been more or less accepted. But the cautious skepticism around the scrotum and the emotional life of the subject they are causing quite a controversy. With clear thinking and more open country of smiles Thailand seems to be paradise for the gay community, bisexuals and heterosexuals. However, recently, the hit TV series of the nation's Hormones (age rebellion) are fever, audiences are confronted with a style more sexual expression is unusual boyfriend initially have normal sex, love with a girl, then ask the same sex a male student at the school, some time later, fell in love with her again, suffering confused guy between boys and girls, do not know their final are any trends?!

If the up, Couple, "Phu-Thee" in this series is "typical" for the confusing trends. No table to Thee which confirms earlier trends clearly gay, and wife to the touch and have many different effects seem to be struggling in the current trend where true feelings. That "startling" from movies
GLBT community has long been more or less accepted. But the cautious skepticism around the scrotum and the emotional life of the subject they are causing quite a controversy. With clear thinking and more open country of smiles Thailand seems to be paradise for the gay community, bisexuals and heterosexuals. However, recently, the hit TV series of the nation's Hormones (age rebellion) are fever, audiences are confronted with a style more sexual expression is unusual boyfriend initially have normal sex, love with a girl, then ask the same sex a male student at the school, some time later, fell in love with her again, suffering confused guy between boys and girls, do not know their final are any trends?!

If the up, Couple, "Phu-Thee" in this series is "typical" for the confusing trends. No table to Thee which confirms earlier trends clearly gay, and wife to the touch and have many different effects seem to be struggling in the current trend where true feelings.
The pair which received a lot of support not only the gay community but even those tend to be pretty much normal for that single out the emotional and social Dao friends' fashioned woman "(fujoshi- girls love attention and love between women and men). But Toei is the cause of the "frustration" many people suddenly want to make Lady ... "straight". The psychological processes that extremely unusual character Lady became the focus of controversy.

Many of the idea that evolution scenario of wife's mood can be understood when placed in the context of physiological age and character. Lady moisture level are age, the transition period is really difficult for a psychology which so much is new with curiosity and wife. Close ties with the caring and sharing kind of Thee (with the guys) can cause confusion wife, he broke up and actively "trying" to spend his feelings for the girl named Toei.

Obviously wife was confused and did not understand myself what is needed and wanted. Pressure family with mother and brother always peering, long-term emotional stress and relationship awfully close to a special body to Thee and make Phu devoured disoriented than ever. Lady though she admitted to her that you love the same sex but is a long way ahead are sure wife will not say goodbye when they met one other female friends he has feelings?

The story of the wife gay would be more acceptable if he brought a trend of bisexuals. Because of what happened, attack "heatstroke" Toei same instant with the torment simmering with Thee, wife seem more guilty is accepted-secondary bladder which is normal for bisexual individuals. But, seemingly complex psychological processes that, the individual is not a hermaphrodite ...

I am calm and happy when I'm next to you, but it's the vibration and very hard to explain the feeling when in contact with the girl (Artwork)

The life story of Phu idea is just a series of scenarios of the customers, but it is still visible between everyday life. Even thought it did not come from a student-run and humidity are as big as the Lady, but an adult.

M. From an office outside the 30 employees confided that "let sympathy for the plight of the characters himself and wife!"

Tu is in the heart of a person not escape. From thence, he also has a tendency of homosexuals to have a long relationship with a male co-worker. Then everything passes, he also has a new, but sometimes he was drunk by the sun ... a beautiful child and colleagues kindness. "I do not like women too sexy and attractive, traditional type women still make me love you more, that's affection for her or with her. But sincerely speaking, the time to learn my friend, I also have her back and forth with him. You know, love is hard to explain and resolved if the situation lest this sound.

I am calm and happy when I'm next to you, but it's the vibration and very hard to explain the feeling when in contact with the girl. I'm not greedy, I certainly did not bring trends are bisexual because they can have fun in addition to both sexes. What I feel is clearly happy but mixed with regret distant female colleagues, on the other hand find fault with regret and his friends when they "adulterous thoughts" (if you think so) a such an ambiguous way.

Then everything broke. I do not know the story of the wife and the film ends Thee how but my story is the death of both. Outsiders do not know, there was nothing but people like you in my life, like the other girls are hard to accept confusion is difficult to explain this. Unknowingly I hurt people I love. She then yelled at me, you like the other boys, you know, it's hard to accept the trends and issues such strange ".

Thus, in addition to GLBT, out Wednesday gender narcissism myself, sex stories also tend to be more long writing by the seemingly interested only in such a scenario. Because it's so new, in the people themselves also have not found a direction and appropriate answers to their problems should keep on struggling in trouble.

Some experts say that no research research specific issues mentioned above. On the other hand, few have said that this is the transition of amphoteric trend, influenced by circumstances and especially psychology.

The youngest explain this by the erratic psychological disturbances which always must be in a transition period, but with an adult, they misunderstood and certainly more suspect. But the suspicion and distrust that will lead to less disruption. Objective circumstances, psychological change, greed, or confused with the other gender trends are difficult to explain adequately and thoroughly for problems. So after the break (and injury) or Tu Phu character are very difficult to find their own answers rather than all, of betrayal, greed and scrotum are constantly cautious in their fins.

There is an unnamed insider shared that: Everyone needs to find a true love, it is, have not needed to go to find answers to the question "boys love, then love her recap what gender? ". Where necessary you must make the world would love his new do. Gay, bi or straight male, not to do anything, just know that the time you are in love, who are themselves the most sense, and by that time her only faithful to a relationship, full leg Members and kind, is enough!

According to a & the Living

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